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Zhejiang Dongan Fire Fighting Equipment Technology Co., Ltd. is China Fire Extinguisher manufacturers and wholesale Fire Extinguisher factory. The company was established in 2015, and is located in Jiangshan City, Zhejiang Province, with the reputation of "global green city". Located at the junction of National Highway 205 in Zhejiang, Fujian and Gan provinces, the company covers an area of more than 15,000 square meters and has a registered capital of 15 million yuan, with convenient transportation and logistics, and a beautiful environment.
As a large enterprise integrating R&D, production and sales, we have set up offices in Beijing and Guangzhou to facilitate market operation. With exquisite production technology, complete testing equipment, and a wide range of products, the company can specialize in the production of various types of fire protective clothing, personal protective equipment, self-rescue breathing apparatus, life-saving equipment, fire fighting equipment, etc., Our products are widely used in fire rescue, petroleum, chemical, electric power, mining and other industries. The products are sold to major cities and regions in China and exported overseas.
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Fire Extinguisher Industry knowledge

Types of Fire Extinguishers: Matching the Right Tool to the Fire

When it comes to fire safety, not all fires are created equal. Understanding the various classes of fires and the corresponding types of fire extinguishers is paramount to effectively combating different fire hazards. Each class of fire presents unique challenges and requires specific extinguishing agents to suppress and extinguish the flames safely.
a)Class A Fire Extinguishers: Class A fires involve ordinary combustible materials such as wood, paper, cloth, rubber, and some plastics. To extinguish these fires effectively, water-based extinguishing agents are typically used. Class A fire extinguishers often contain water or foam, which cools the fire and suppresses its oxygen supply.
b)Class B Fire Extinguishers: Fires fueled by flammable liquids such as gasoline, oil, grease, and solvents fall into Class B category. Traditional water-based extinguishers are ineffective against these fires, as water can spread the flames and cause the liquid to splash, exacerbating the situation. Instead, Class B fire extinguishers contain agents like dry chemical powder or carbon dioxide (CO2), which smother the fire by displacing oxygen and interrupting the chemical reaction.
c)Class C Fire Extinguishers: Class C fires involve energized electrical equipment, such as appliances, wiring, and circuit breakers. Using water-based extinguishers on electrical fires poses a significant risk of electric shock to the user. Therefore, Class C fire extinguishers are designed to contain non-conductive extinguishing agents, such as dry chemical powder or CO2, which suppress the fire without conducting electricity. These extinguishers are crucial in workplaces with electrical equipment, such as offices, laboratories, and manufacturing facilities.
d)Class D Fire Extinguishers: Fires involving combustible metals, such as magnesium, titanium, potassium, and sodium, are classified as Class D fires. These fires pose unique challenges due to the high temperatures and reactivity of metal fires. Class D fire extinguishers contain dry powder agents specifically designed to smother metal fires and inhibit chemical reactions. These extinguishers are commonly used in industrial settings where metalworking processes take place.
e)Class K Fire Extinguishers: Class K fires originate from cooking oils, greases, and fats typically found in commercial kitchens and restaurants. These fires burn at extremely high temperatures and can quickly spread if not promptly extinguished. Class K fire extinguishers contain special wet chemical agents that not only suppress the flames but also create a cooling effect to prevent re-ignition.

Fire Prevention Measures: Supplementing Extinguisher Use

While fire extinguishers are essential tools for combating fires, preventing fires from occurring in the first place is paramount to workplace safety. Implementing comprehensive fire prevention measures not only reduces the likelihood of fires but also minimizes the need for extinguisher use and mitigates potential damage to property and lives.
a)Proper Storage and Handling of Flammable Materials: Many workplace fires are caused by improper storage or handling of flammable materials such as fuels, solvents, and chemicals. Implementing strict protocols for the storage and handling of these materials reduces the risk of accidental ignition. Flammable substances should be stored in designated areas away from ignition sources and heat-producing equipment. Employees should receive training on safe handling practices and be aware of the hazards associated with flammable materials.
b)Regular Equipment Maintenance: Malfunctioning or poorly maintained equipment can pose fire hazards in the workplace. Regular inspection, maintenance, and servicing of machinery, electrical systems, and heating equipment are essential for identifying potential fire risks and preventing equipment-related fires. Employers should establish a maintenance schedule and ensure that qualified technicians conduct inspections and repairs according to manufacturer recommendations and regulatory requirements.
c)Installation of Smoke Detectors and Sprinkler Systems: Early detection of fires is crucial for minimizing damage and facilitating timely evacuation. Smoke detectors and automatic fire sprinkler systems provide early warning and suppression capabilities, allowing occupants to respond swiftly to emerging fire threats. Employers should ensure that smoke detectors are installed in all areas of the workplace, including corridors, offices, and production areas. Automatic fire sprinkler systems should be installed in high-risk areas such as kitchens, storage facilities, and manufacturing plants.